Applied Fire Science & Management, Bachelor of Science, provides practical knowledge and skills to become fire science or management professionals. It will also include a breadth of perspectives and Indigenous knowledge (also known as Traditional Ecological Knowledge), with an emphasis on incorporating Indigenous practices.
Cannabis Studies, Bachelor of Art, prepares students to act as socially engaged, historically informed stewards of an unprecedented sea-change in local, national, and global cannabis laws and policies related to cannabis legalization.
Data Science, Bachelor of Science, focuses on working with data that relates to local issues, such as rising sea level, weaving a theme throughout several classes to give students a holistic perspective of local challenges and solutions.
Energy Systems Engineering, Bachelor of Science, incorporates elements commonly included in civil, environmental, mechanical, and electrical engineering disciplines.
Engineering & Community Practice, Master of Science, develops future engineering leaders who will sustain, restore, and protect natural resources and the environment.
Geospatial Information Science & Technology, Bachelor of Science, prepares students for careers as Geographic Information System (GIS) analysts and specialists, remote sensing analysts, cartographers, photogrammetrists, and geographers.
Marine Biology, Bachelor of Science, explores the diversity of marine life, its evolutionary history, the importance to our planet, and how it is impacted by human activities.
Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Science, covers areas in dynamics, materials, thermal/fluids, vibrations, controls, computer aided engineering, design, and manufacturing.
Software Engineering, Bachelor of Science, applies engineering concepts to software development. It encompasses the development, operation, and maintenance of programs.